Monday, February 21, 2011

Stud Abroad

As the train pulls into Norwich Station, my heart starts to beat a little bit faster and excitement overwhelms me.  I'm about to see Luke, who I have not seen since August!!  I was looking forward to seeing him ever since I got to Ireland but I didn't realize how much I wanted to see him until it was minutes until we met.  I walk down the platform towards the exit and I see his blonde hair above the crowd.  I start walking faster and there he is!!!  We hug and then we are off for a tour of Norwich. 

Luke 'knows' so much about Norwich.  I say 'knows' because he would point at buildings and say, "That's the Norwich Cathedral," and I would nod and then minutes later he would say, "No wait....THAT'S the Norwich Cathedral." and other things like that.  I give him credit though, he knows a lot about the town and the history of Norwich.  After a quick tour, we headed to meet his friends at the Adam & Eve Pub (supposedly the oldest standing pub in Norwich...or something like that) for a pint or two.  We then head back to Luke's flat to get ready for the night.  After a brief stop at Tesco Express for some clutch supplies of alcohol, KX and sandwiches, we are off to Mikey's house for the pregame.  'Saucepan' (it goes by another name but that's the name that we decided on) was our game of choice for the night and after we were all good and ready, we headed to the College Club.

It was 90's night at the club which made for a very interesting playlist...anything from Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' to B*Witched's 'Cest La Vie' was played.  I won't go into detail, partially because the details are a little hazy and partially because no one wants to read every detail of the night, but I will say...that it was an epic night. 

The next morning we woke up a bit tot late to really do anything in Norwich, so we just grabbed a bap(favoriteeee!) and headed towards the train station.  It was a lovely night in Norwich, one that will definitely go down in history, and I am excited to give Luke an 'informative tour' (of the pubs) in Galway when he comes to visit!

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