Sunday, December 26, 2010

In a week...

...I will be in the fabulous country of Ireland!  As each day comes and goes, I feel like I get more prepared but less prepared....if that makes sense. 

I am getting more mentally prepared because I think that I am completely ready now to leave the states for five months and start a new adventure.  The past week and a half spent in Carlisle has been relaxing and full of festivities, but I have realized that it is definitely time to get out of here, be in a city and be on my own.  Don't get me wrong, I love Carlisle and West Chester, but I need something new and different

I am less prepared because I realize that I have about five days to finish making all of my last minute purchases, say bye to everyone, and last but definitely not least, pack.  Packing will be a struggle for me because I always over-pack.  The advice given from past study abroad students is always, "You will never regret packing too little," but I keep thinking that I will!  I never know what I will be in the mood to wear or what the weather will be like or what kind of clothes the Irish wear to go out, etc. 

There is still a lot to do before I leave, but I'm sure that when 7pm on Saturday rolls around, I will be completely prepared. 

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