Monday, December 13, 2010

Final days at WCU....

After sitting in the library for six consecutive hours now....I've decided that it's time to take a break from the always exciting Political Communication studying and write my first blog ever!

Finals start I prepared?  Partially.  I leave West Chester on I ready?  Somewhat.  I have to say goodbye to all of my college friends throughout the I want to?  No.  I leave for Ireland in exactly 18 days, 13 hours and 29 minutes...give or take a few I excited? YES!!!

Studying abroad is something that I've always known that I wanted to do.  Being in Ireland for five months will change my life completely.  As much as I know I want to go and as much as I know that it will be an experience that I want/need/have to expose myself to, I am terrified to leave my comfort zone of West Chester, Carlisle and the United States of America in general.  

But that's what studying abroad is all about, right?  Getting out of your comfort zone and figuring out who you really are.  I can not wait to see the person that I become while in Ireland; hopefully a more independent, confident version of myself.

And now that I've procrastinated enough...there is exactly 18 days, 13 hours and 9 minutes until I leave for the Emerald Isle...

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